You’ll never guess which pizzas have been ranked as the most harmful to your health!


  • Pizza Buitoni at the origin of a major health alert.
  • Contamination E.coli leading to serious cases in children.
  • The scandal was revealed two years after a complaint from food watch.
  • More than 50 infections confirmed among children.
  • Significant dangers: risks of hemolytic syndromes.
  • Calls for recall of pizza suspects involved.
  • Pay attention to brands pizzas: some may be at risk.

Pizza lovers, beware! THE hidden danger of certain pizzas may surprise you. Certain brands, renowned for their irresistible taste, have found themselves at the heart of health scandals endangering the health of consumers. Get ready to find out which pizzas you’d better avoid to preserve your well-being and that of your loved ones.

If you think pizza is always an indulgent and comforting choice, think again! Some pizza brands, despite their popularity, hide health dangers. This article highlights the most harmful pizzas and the food scandals surrounding these products. Since contamination by bacteria E.coli up to product recalls, let’s find out together what to avoid to preserve your health.

The Buitoni pizza scandals

Among the most notable examples, Buitoni pizzas are experiencing a real scandal. In 2022, these pizzas were questioned following alleged contamination by bacteria E.coli, leading to tragic results with the deaths of two young children. This situation aroused consumer concern and attracted the attention of health authorities.

Alarming contaminations

In the months that followed, more than 75 cases of hemolytic-uremic syndromes (HUS) were reported, directly linked to the consumption of these pizzas. In total, 50 contaminations were confirmed, prompting massive product recalls. Consumers were then warned, becoming aware of the risks associated with consuming these seemingly harmless products.

The consequences of contaminated products

The products affected by this health crisis do not stop only at pizzas. Products like Kinder have also been linked to food contamination, raising questions about the safety of our food. Measures have been put in place, but doubt persists about the safety of certain foods that we consume daily.

Precautions to take

To limit risks, it is crucial to stay informed and remain vigilant in the face of product recalls. For example, some pizzas have been recalled because of traces of listeria, another bacteria potentially dangerous to the health of consumers. Health authorities recommend checking labels and avoiding suspect products, especially for more vulnerable populations such as pregnant women.

Secure alternatives

If you’re a pizza lover and want to make healthier choices, there are alternatives. Many homemade pizza recipes allow you to control the ingredients and avoid harmful additives. For advice on recipes and ingredients to use, do not hesitate to consult specialized cooking sites such as

Precautions for pregnant women

Moms-to-be should also pay attention to pizza choices. Certain brands and ingredients should be avoided to prevent any risk to the fetus. Discover the specific recommendations on

In search of reliable information

Faced with this situation of food insecurity, it is important to obtain information from reliable sources. Recent articles, such as that of 20 Minutes, detail the symptoms and risks linked to these contaminations, as well as the good reflexes to adopt. You will find crucial information to preserve your health in the face of these food scandals.

Vigilance is required

In conclusion, the popularity of pizza does not mean that it is all risk-free. Vigilance regarding the products we consume is essential, particularly regarding brands that have already encountered safety problems. Get informed, read the labels, and don’t hesitate to choose safer and healthier alternatives.

Comparison of Harmful Pizzas

Pizza Potential Hazards
Buitoni Pizzas Contamination with E. coli bacteria, causing serious cases and deaths in children.
Frozen meat pizzas Risk offood poisoning due to non-respected cold chains.
Undercooked homemade pizzas Bacterial dangers if meat is not sufficiently cooked.
Industrial pizzas rich in additives Excessive consumption ofchemical additives and possibly harmful preservatives.
Pizzas with unpasteurized cheese Risk of bacterial contamination, in particular listeria.
Thin crust pizzas high in fat Increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases because of the high content of saturated fats.
Takeaway pizzas with questionable ingredients Non-compliance with health standards, which can cause various health risks.
Frozen pizzas of low nutritional quality Low in nutrients, high in empty calories.
Industrial pizzas with too much salt May cause health problems such as hypertension.
Frozen pizzas without clear labeling Uncertainties about the composition and potential allergens not indicated.
  • Buitoni Pizzas – Contaminated withE. coli, causing children deaths.
  • Frozen pizzas with listeria – Presence of traces of bacteria, leading to mass recalls.Meat-based pizzas
  • – Risks of food poisoningdue to poor storage. Ultra-processed pizzas
  • – High in sodium and added sugars, contributing to obesity. Spreadable pizzas– Containers with
  • saturated fats, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Unlabeled pizzas – Difficulty in knowing theingredients, exposing people to allergies.
  • Pizzas with food additives – Contains preservativesconsidered harmful to health.
  • Homemade pizzas not cooked properly – Risks related to establishments affected by insufficient hygiene standards.
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