Finally discover what is THE secret matter of continuous patent control!


  • Continuous assessment : a key component of the Brevet des collèges.
  • Represents 400 points out of a total of 800 points.
  • Covers 8 essential subjects.
  • Importance of preparation throughout the year.
  • Discover the secret subject that influences the score.
  • Tips to maximize your points.
  • Revision strategies adapted to subjects.

When preparing for the Brevet des collèges, many students focus on traditional subjects such as French, mathematics or history-geography. However, among these disciplines are often neglected elements that play a crucial role in continuous assessment. In this article, we will reveal the secret subjectthat can make all the difference and contribute significantly to your final grade. Get ready to discover tips and tricks to maximize your chances of success! Continuous assessment in the brevet des collèges is an essential element of student assessment, representing up to 400 points out of the

800 total points of the exam. However, one question remains: what is this mysterious subject that plays a key role in this grading system? In this article, we will dive into the world of continuous assessment to understand how it works and identify this secret subject that can influence your final grade. The fundamentals of continuous assessment Continuous assessment is an assessment system based on students’ performance during their years at middle school. It assesses achievements in several subjects, including French, mathematics, history-geography, and many others. This mechanism makes it possible to take into account students’ regular work, unlike traditional exams which focus on a single day of tests. Each subject, in all, represents a

total of 400 points

for the brevet, which constitutes half of the final mark. Therefore, serious and continuous preparation is essential. Students must develop a strategy to optimize their performance in each area taught during their third year.

The materials involved in continuous monitoring In total, eight subjects are assessed as part of continuous assessment: French, mathematics, history-geography, sciences (including physics-chemistry and SVT), artistic education, physical education, and technology. Each of these subjects contributes to the final grade, but some may have a more significant impact than others. Scientific subjects, notably SVT and physics-chemistry, require particular attention. Indeed, high scores in these areas can significantly influence the final result. If you would like to learn more about this subject, do not hesitate to visit this site


for helpful tips on how to prepare.

The secret material that can make the difference Digging a little deeper, it becomes obvious that one material stands out for its influence: physical and sports education (EPS)

. Although it is not always taken seriously by all students, its contribution to continuous assessment is often underestimated. Performance in EPS can earn a significant number of points and serve as a lever to increase the overall score.

Indeed, the skills acquired in PE, such as perseverance, teamwork, and personal commitment, are evaluated throughout the year. Not only does this subject help to balance the final score, but it also offers an opportunity to stand out if you put your all into it. Strategically prepare your continuous monitoringTo maximize your continuous assessment grade, it is crucial to take a balanced approach across all subjects, including PE. Students are expected to actively participate in classes, engage in athletic activities, and maintain a strong academic record in each discipline.

In addition, it is wise to prepare for the Brevet Blanc, which represents a first assessment of acquired knowledge before the final exam. To find out how to prepare properly, consult this article

Griffon Course

may prove beneficial.

Conclusion: the importance of all subjects In short, although some subjects seem more important than others, each plays a role in the final card score. The secret subject of continuous assessment should not be neglected, because it can offer decisive points in the academic career. So, invest in all your disciplines, and keep in mind that every point counts to achieve your goals! For more information on how to take the exam, feel free to explore the details at this link

Le Figaro

, which will enlighten you on all the issues surrounding the national patent diploma.

Comparison of subjects from continuous assessment to patent MatterImportance for continuous monitoring


Essential, assesses comprehension and written expression. Mathematics
Key, focuses on logic and mathematical reasoning. History-Geography
Crucial, addresses fundamental historical and geographical notions. Science
Important, includes SVT, physics-chemistry, and technology. Living Language
Valued, allows you to measure mastery of a foreign language. Plastic Arts
Complementary, assesses creativity and artistic expression. Physical Education
Applicable, values ​​sports skills and collaboration. Technology
Revealing, increasing importance with technological developments. Main subjects
Mathematics French
  • History-Geography
    • Modern languages
    • Mathematics
    • French
    • History-Geography

  • Modern languages
  • Scientific subjects
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
  • Technology
    • Physics-Chemistry
    • Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
    • Technology

  • Other subjects
  • Plastic Arts
  • Physical and Sports Education (EPS)
  • Plastic Arts
    • Physical and Sports Education (EPS)
    • Mathematics

  • French
  • History-Geography
  • Modern languages
  • Physics-Chemistry
  • Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
  • Technology
  • Plastic Arts
  • Physical and Sports Education (EPS)
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