Top 10 worst pizzas to absolutely avoid: the 7th will shock you!


  • Top 10 worst pizzas to absolutely avoid
  • Analysis of common mistakes in the making
  • Revelations on industrial pizzas to avoid
  • Comparison between the best and worst choices
  • The 7th pizza will shock you!
  • Advice from a pizza expert on authenticity
  • Ingredients to avoid such as crème fraîche

Those who love pizza know that there are ups and downs in this delicious world. Unfortunately, some culinary creations have all the makings of a tragedy, and it is time to expose them to the light of day. We have scoured the shelves of industrial pizzas to concoct a ranking of the worst to avoid at all costs. Get ready, because the 7th on our list will shock you more than a chorizo on a margherita pizza!

Pizzas… this universal dish that unites us all, but which can also hold surprises, sometimes unpleasant ones. In the whirlwind of industrial pizzas, some deserve to be banned from our plates. Prepare yourself for a surprising revelation in our ranking of the worst pizzas to avoid at all costs. Hang on tight to discover the surprise that our seventh place has in store for you!

Strange and questionable combinations

Let’s start with a pizza that promises us a culinary adventure, but which only deceives our expectations. The pineapple and chorizo ​​pizza may remind you of your last impromptu evening, but really, who had this idea? Sweet and salty is already risky, so adding the spicy flavor of chorizo? Might as well take a mustard candy!

A texture that is questionable to say the least

For the next one, let’s take a pizza that pushes the concept of frozen dough to its limits. Imagine a paste so rubbery that it could be used for laboratory strength testing. This is what you get with some brands, blocking your efforts to chase away those bad food vibes. Schedule a dentist after your dinner!

Pizza with fresh cream: a misstep to avoid

What if we talked about pizza sour cream ? From a traditional point of view, he is a rather dubious character in the world of pizza. If you really want something creamy, opt for a nice dessert for example. Don’t be ridiculous and avoid this atrocity that’s too close to quiche!

Inconsistent toppings

The mushroom-chocolate pizza should be mentioned for its audacity alone! Who could have thought of mixing these two flavors? Unless you want to invent a new pizza-stupid concept, this makes no sense. Don’t fall into the trap of originality, it could be fatal for your palate!

A mixture of frozen products

Are you looking for a quick and easy pizza? Don’t fall into the trap of frozen mix. These mysterious creations claim to combine everything that can give pizza a bad name. The advice of nutritionists is clear: avoid their tempting promises. Plus, these pizzas smell like a forgotten refrigerator, and not in a good way.

A pizza that mixes genres

Another big candidate is pizza seafood and barbecue sauce. As if that wasn’t enough, the dreaded question arises: what are these seafood? Total mystery. For those of us who value a good dinner, leave this abomination in the supermarket freezer.

The shocking revelation: number seven

Hold on tight, because here is the pizza that will challenge your faith in humanity: pizza with curry and smoked tofu. Whether you have Neapolitan origins or simply good culinary taste, it’s a challenge that few can meet. Imagine how spices can replace the traditional flavors of a pizza. This combination is to pizza what soda is to a good wine!

Preternatural Pizzas

Pizzas with fancy mix-ins are also worth mentioning. Some manufacturers seem to have taken lessons in alchemy before tackling recipes. These creations are a semi-prepared mix that borders on the ridiculous. In fact, they will make you want to take out a subscription with your sushi delivery person instead!

A hint of mystery

Finally, let’s finish with the pizza industrial cheese. When the label doesn’t help you understand whether you were eating cheese or a chemical mixture, that’s a red flag. Cheese products with twelve mystery ingredients have no business being on our pizza. Choose quality, because pizza should remain a dish of happiness, not a devilish experience!

Don’t let these disasters ruin your love for pizza. Keep your taste buds alert and always opt for the best!

Pizza Why avoid them
Industrial fresh cheese pizza An abomination for true amateurs. No taste, just a suspiciously creamy texture.
“Frozen” four cheese pizza A mixture of cheeses that fight with each other. It bothers the taste buds more than anything else.
Hawaiian pizza The pineapple-ham combination that is the subject of debate. We’ll let you judge, but most sulk.
Fresh cream pizza Perfect sample of what not to do. Cream has nothing to do here!
Seafood pizza For those who like surprises, but not necessarily good ones. Rubbery texture to avoid.
BBQ pizza Wisconsin or not, this mixture is often too sweet and unappetizing. Big disappointment.
Pizza “charcuterie meats” A concentrate of fat, not a gourmet experience, even for carnivores.
Grilled Vegetable Pizza A dish that looks like a pizza. Lack of originality and flavors.
“Chef’s Choice” Pizza Never a good choice. Too often we have left chefs to improvisation.
Pizza with mint sauce Incomprehensible as an idea. Don’t get trapped by this anxiety-inducing combo.

Top 10 worst pizzas to absolutely avoid

  • 1. Pizza with fresh cream – A crime against authenticity.
  • 2. “Italian” frozen pizza – Don’t be fooled by the packaging.
  • 3. Hawaiian pizza – Pineapple and pizza: two worlds that should never cross.
  • 4. Pizza with preservatives – Prefer freshness, please!
  • 5. Stuffed Crust Pizza – Too much topping is like too much makeup.
  • 6. Frozen Vegetable Pizza – Really ? We can do better!
  • 7. “Light” pizza -Who needs a pizza full of promises?
  • 8. Processed Meat Pizza – Avoid overly modified ingredients for your health!
  • 9. “Chef’s specialty” pizza – Often synonymous with failed experimentation.
  • 10. Pizza topped with fake cheese – If it looks like cheese, but it’s not, run away!
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