Discover the best Brawl Stars burner that will blow up your rankings!

Immerse yourself in the world of Brawl Stars and discover the ultimate burner character who will propel your ranking to new heights. Prepare to master this formidable ally to dominate the arena and shine among the best players. Follow our tips and tricks to exploit the full potential of this outstanding burner and guarantee your success in the game.

In this article, we will explore the best Brawl Stars burner, which can truly transform your gaming experience and help you rise in rankings quickly. You will find detailed descriptions, foolproof strategies and new tips for optimizing the use of this burner. Get ready to see your rank soar!

What is a burner in Brawl Stars?

A burner in Brawl Stars is a unit whose primary role is to cause continuous damage to the enemy, often through area attacks that hit multiple opponents at once. These characters are particularly effective at controlling the playing field and overwhelming the opposing team with constant pressure. The term “burner” is often used to refer to brawlers such as Spike, Crow or Amber, who have abilities that inflict damage over time.

Why choose a burner?

Choosing a burner can offer you several advantages. They are able to maintain constant pressure on enemies, preventing them from regaining health and controlling the map. Burners are often versatile, suitable for a multitude of game modes, whether surviving solo, playing as a team in the Siege Zone, or collecting gems in Gem Grab. By mastering a burner, you will have a formidable weapon in your arsenal, capable of adapting to various situations and turning the outcome of a match.

The most efficient burners in Brawl Stars


Amber is arguably one of the strongest burners currently in Brawl Stars. Its ability to deal continuous damage and impressive range make it a great asset to any team. She can create areas of fire, blocking access and forcing enemies to scatter, which is particularly effective in control modes like Gem Grab or Heist.

Using her super, Amber drops a huge tank of flammable fuel which she can then ignite, creating a massive area of ​​damage. This attack can destroy several opponents at once, especially in narrow corridors of maps.


Crow is a unique burner choice thanks to his poison abilities that deal damage over time. He stands out for his speed and his ability to jump on enemies to inflict even more damage. This brawler is extremely effective at harassing enemies and keeping them at bay, preventing their regeneration. Crow is especially useful in modes like Showdown, where he can easily steal kills and make strategic takedowns.

His super allows him to jump a huge distance, dealing damage upon landing and poisoning all enemies hit. This mobility tool makes him difficult to catch and effective for finishing off low-health enemies or fleeing a dangerous situation.


Spike is popular for her area attacks and her super that can slow and damage enemies in a large area. Spike’s regular attacks, when exploded, shoot thorns in multiple directions, dealing additional damage. This is excellent for hitting enemies hiding behind obstacles or when they group together. Spike is often chosen for its ability to control large areas, ideal for canceling opponents’ reconnaissance and disrupting their formations.

Burner Description
Bea Its powerful attacks and super charge quickly, ideal for controlling the playing area.
El Primo His melee and high health make him a formidable burner for eliminating enemies up close.
Barley His ranged attack and super that creates zone of control make him a great choice to support the team.
  1. The most damaging Brawl Stars burner: El Primo
  2. The burner offering the best mobility: Mortis
  3. The burner with a formidable special ability: Tara

Strategies for Dominating with a Burner

To get the most out of a burner, it’s essential to understand its mechanics and adapt your game accordingly. Here are some key strategies:

Positioning and zone control

A good burner always positions himself to maximize the effectiveness of his area attacks. For example, Amber can turn corridors into death traps, and Spike can project his attacks to hit multiple enemies hidden behind obstacles. Use the terrain to your advantage, standing behind walls or in tall grass to surprise your enemies.

Management of supers and gadgets

Supers and gadgets are essential aspects of using burners in Brawl Stars. They can be decisive tools to turn the tide in the heat of battle. For Amber, strategic use of her fuel tank can change the outcome of a match. For Crow, his jump should be used to either finish off an enemy or escape due to its long range. As for Spike, his super can be thrown to slow down opponents and provide your team with the opportunity to secure objectives.

Cooperation with your team

In team game modes, burners can be incredibly effective when they cooperate well with their teammates. The continuous pressure they exert makes life difficult for enemies, but this can be enhanced by working with other types of brawlers. For example, a tank like Bull or Rosa can take the hits while a burner like Amber or Crow deals consistent damage from a distance. Good communication and attack timing can easily lead to victory.

Optimizing your burners

Skills improvement

Like all brawlers, burners can be upgraded to increase their firepower and overall efficiency. Investing in improving their skills can turn a good burner into a formidable burner. For example, increasing Amber’s health and damage, or Crow’s attack range and speed, can have a significant impact on your in-game performance.

Choosing the Right Gadgets and Star Powers

Gadgets and star powers are essential to maximizing the potential of your burners. Each burner has several options, and knowing when and how to use them can greatly influence your success. For Amber, the Star Power ‘Wild Flames’ allows for multiple fuel tanks on the field, increasing her area control potential. For his part, Crow benefits from the Star Power ‘Carrion Crow’, increasing damage when his enemies are at low health. As for Spike, ‘Curveball’ is an excellent Star Power for hitting enemies carelessly avoided by his ordinary attacks.

Burner-friendly game modes and maps

Some game modes and maps are particularly suitable for burners. Understanding which maps and modes your burners excel in can maximize your chances of victory.

Gem Grab

In Gem Grab, possession of gems is crucial. Burners like Amber and Spike excel in this mode due to their ability to control the central area where gems spawn. Their AoE attacks can keep enemies at bay, allowing you to secure gems and apply constant pressure to dominate the game.


Showdown mode often results in intense battles, where burners can really shine. Crow is particularly formidable here, thanks to his ability to poison and harass enemies, preventing them from healing and hiding. The mobility of Crow and Spike is also a major asset in this mode where survival is key.

Brawl Ball

Brawl Ball requires a mix of strategy, area control, and team coordination. Burners can control the playing field, making it difficult for enemies to advance with the ball. High area of ​​effect supers, like Spike or Amber, can break down enemy defenses and create scoring opportunities.


In Heist, dealing damage to the enemy base quickly is essential. Burners that deal constant and area damage can be particularly effective in weakening the opposing base. Amber is particularly formidable here, capable of creating burning zones around the enemy base, dealing continuous damage. Spike can also pierce defenses with his area attacks, damaging objectives quickly and efficiently.

Advanced Burner Tips

To take your game to the next level, here are some advanced tips to fully exploit your burners:

Use of obstacles and lines of sight

Obstacles on the map can be both a blessing and a curse. For burners, they are strategic tools to use wisely. Hide behind walls to set up ambushes or to optimally place your attacks. Spike’s spines, for example, can pass through walls at certain angles, hitting inattentive enemies.

Anticipate enemy movements

Anticipating your opponents’ moves is a key skill for any burner. Try to predict where your enemies will move and place your attacks to intercept them or control their movements. This is especially crucial for burners with AoE attacks like Spike and Amber, where good anticipation can deal massive damage.

Synergy with teammates

Working in synergy with your teammates can create devastating strategy combinations. For example, teaming up with a tank to lure enemies to your burner attack zones, or coordinating an attack with a mobility brawler to trap opponents. Good communication and precise timing are essential to exploiting the full potential of your burners.

When and how to change burner

Knowing when to change burners can be as important as knowing how to play them. Every situation is different, and certain burners may be more effective on certain maps or against certain enemies.

Analysis of the map and opponents

Analyzing the map and understanding the enemy team composition can help you decide if a burner change is necessary. If you find yourself constantly struggling against specific enemies or on a map where your burner isn’t effective, it might be a good idea to switch to a brawler that better suits the situation.

Adapt to game modes

Some burners are better suited to certain game modes. For example, Amber may dominate in Gem Grab and Heist, but Crow may be more useful in Showdown. Adapt your choice of burner depending on the game mode to maximize your chances of success.

Experimentation and learning

Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn new strategies. Each burner has its strengths and weaknesses and understanding these nuances can help you improve your overall game. Try different burners in various situations to find the perfect combination that will move you up the leaderboards.

In conclusion, mastering the best burner in Brawl Stars requires a deep understanding of its mechanics, strategic adaptation, and excellent synergy with your team. By following these tips and strategies, you will be well equipped to dominate your opponents and explode your ranking in Brawl Stars. Good luck, and may the best burner win!

Q: What is the best Brawl Stars burner?

A: The best burner in Brawl Stars is considered by many to be Ember, with its unique ability to deal massive AoE damage.

Q: Why is Ember considered the best burner in Brawl Stars?

A: Ember has a very powerful super that can take out multiple enemies in a single hit, making her a formidable choice for climbing the rankings.

Q: How to use Ember effectively?

A: To maximize Ember’s effectiveness, it is important to position your attacks well so as to hit multiple enemies at once. Knowing the timing of your super is also crucial to use it at the right time.

Q: Are there any other competitive burners in Brawl Stars?

A: Yes, there are other competitive burners such as Brock and Dynamike, which have very powerful ranged attack abilities. Each burner has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to find the one that best suits your playing style.

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